Tuesday, June 29, 2010

time to get down to business

Yeah, so I made those lists of goals for the coming year over there in the sidebar. And it's not that I've been ignoring them exactly. I even got one checked off the list. And swirling in my head, I have ideas of what I want to accomplish in the next week and a half. So this post is to organize those thoughts a bit:

*Finish putting Max's room back together and super clean it.
*Finish putting Gray's room together and super clean it.
*Help Annie go through and weed out everything in her room and super clean it.
*Reorganize and clean the library.

I'm likely biting off more than I can chew as we'll be gone for three days in the middle for my family reunion. But as I'm having a hard time gauging just how long these goals will actually take me, I figured I'd err on the ambitious side.

The before shots, and detailed lists of what needs done:

 *Max's room (And yes, it's as bad as it looks! Or maybe even worse)

--finish sorting through every little thing in room (to trash? to recycle? to give away? to keep?)
--decide what kind of containers we still need for organizing and put everything away "in its place!" (and I didn't even need to buy any new containers--found a way to make everything work with what we had :D)
--build bookcase
--get lamp
--wash all bedding
--wipe down walls
--wash window

*Gray's room (And yes, it's as bad as it looks, too! Reason being, that the boys had been sharing a bedroom--now just Max's. And the "room" that is now Gray's bedroom had been their playroom. So we've been in the process of moving half the stuff from each room to the other.)

--finish sorting through every little thing in room (to trash? to recycle? to give away? to keep?)
--decide what kind of containers we still need for organizing and put everything away "in its place"
--wash all bedding
--wipe down walls
--vacuum out ceiling

(Projects for the future:
--paint walls
--install carpet tiles
--make curtain divider for between this area and my scrapping area)

 *Annie's room

--weed out clothes
--weed out books
--weed out crafts, etc. in tubs under bed
--weed out stuff in and on desk
--weed out miscellaneous
--wash bedding
--wipe down walls
--wash window


--weed out and reorganize Max's fiction
--weed out and reorganize Rich's fiction
--build bookcase for under front window
--weed out and reorganize Rich's evolution books
--weed out and reorganize Rich's brain, etc. books
--week out and reorganize family science and natural history books
--build bookcase to span bookcases-window on end wall
--weed out and reorganize family social issues books
--weed out and reorganize family history books
--weed out and reorganize family memoirs/biographies
--weed out and reorganize family travelogue type books
--weed out and reorganize true crime
--weed out and reorganize miscellaneous non-fiction
--clean out coffee table
--wash windows
--get lamp

(Projects for the future:
--find perfect bean bag chair
--find perfect rug
--add quarter round around ceiling
--paint walls
--"wallpaper" ceiling with book jackets)

Well, crap. Now that I wrote that all out, I think that may be just a little more than a little too ambitious. But I'll see how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh!!! Wallpaper the ceiling with book jackets??? I love that idea!! If you're ready to do that in August, I'll totally help out :p And if you find the perfect bean bag chair, you have to let me know where you got it from, because I've been looking for one for years that will comfortable seat an adult and it's impossible :/

    Ok...so I got super excited by this post :D I'm a total organizing and cleaning freak and you just made me want to organize all of my stuff by seeing you break everything down this way!! I love seeing everyone's rooms too :) I can definitely tell Gray's is Gray's by the pandas in the corner ;) And I love Annie's bookshelf!
